Customer promise

You can count on X!

    • A top quality range of products and accessories.

    • Products that comply with all current requirements and EU standards.

    • A standard range that is easy to complement.

    • We give you a quote including drawings within four hours.

    • Easily assembled products with clear instructions.

    • SnapperWorks. Tailored and easy-to-use drawing application available to all our customers.

    • X-Pack™ is a unique packaging system that guarantees intact and secure deliveries.

    • Axelent Safety – Risk analyses and other specialist knowledge.

Axelent Safety Design

Take a look at our new drawing application Axelent Safety Design - the simple way of designing safety

Discover simplicity with our intuitive drawing application, perfect for effortlessly crafting safety layouts. Safety Design offers a comprehensive range of products, from machine guards to pedestrian barriers, covering all aspects of safety in machinery and warehouse environments. Embrace a safer workspace with Safety Design, where safety meets simplicity.